Wednesday, December 14, 2016

We've been writing letters to Santa!!

I'm sure he will be very excited when he gets all of Room 5's letters. Have a read and let us know if you can answer any of the questions we've asked Santa.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Harvey was our 'Star Is Born'

Harvey you were a great 'Star Is Born'. You were able to share all the things you brought along and tell the class things about these. I loved the book you had about Santa and if Santa wakes me this year, then I will know why. You have a great sense of humour Harvey and this certainly shone through when you were sharing. We enjoyed writing your poem for you. Well done Harvey, you certainly are a Star!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The frogs have jumped the pond!!

The frogs that we have had in the classroom have gone to a new home. Thanks once again Deegan for bringing the tadpoles along to the class. We were all able to observe the changes as they grew into frogs. Unfortunately the frogs needed to go back to their natural habitat and therefore have been moved to a new home where they jumped around very excitedly. Here they are ready for transportation.

Another sight word fish gets caught in the net!!!

Wow Renny you have caught all your sight words and it was great to see your fish being caught in the net. Congratulations to you and well done on the speed in which you caught all your words, Fantastic!!

The Last Stars for Rocket Writing were ........

Renny and Skye. Congratulations to Renny and Skye who were the Star Rocket Writers for the last time for the year. Renny got the Star for writing the most words and Skye got the Star for making the most progress. Well done to the both of you. Well done also to anyone in Room 5 who improved on their score from the previous week. You were all stars!! Remember rocket writing is something you can continue to do over the holidays - all you need is a clock and some paper and a writing tool.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week 8's Rocket Writing Stars were .......

Well done to Vinny and Charleigh who were the Star rocket Writers for Week 8. Vinny got the Star for making the most progress and Charleigh was awarded the Star for writing the most words. Way to go, you two - what a fabulous effort.

The Colouring Competition

On Friday when we weren't completing our testing we entered a colouring in competition. Mrs Scott was so proud of the way we tried colouring it in. Some of us have come a long way with our colouring. Here's a sneaky peek of them. What do you think?

Louis was the 'Star is Born' for Week 8

Thanks Louis for being the 'Star is Born' for this week. You enjoyed sharing one of your favourite books with us, however you did remind me it was not your favourite book, it was your second favourite. Room 5 enjoyed writing your poem and when we did, we learnt some neat stuff about you that we didn't already know. Well done Louis, you certainly are a star!!