Monday, November 28, 2016

Ben was our 'Star Is Born' for Week 7

Thanks Ben for being an awesome Star is Born. You shared with us some special things about you and we all learnt just how much you like tractors and diggers. You said that you didn't just like them, you 'loved' them. Thanks for bringing those things along to share with the class and for letting one of your favourite giraffes spend the week in Room 5. I was pleased to hear you coped OK without it as you had some others at home.

The boys took out the trophies for Week 7

Well done to Jasper, Deegan and Harvey who were awarded the trophies for Week 7. Super effort you three and well deserved. You look extremely pleased with yourselves.

The Rocket Writers for Week 7 were .......

Charleigh and Harvey. Well done to the both of you for earning the stars for week 7. Charleigh you got the star for writing the most words - 81 words and Harvey you go the star for making the most progress. You wrote 19 more words than the previous week and a total of 48 words. My goodness you 2 made me smile all the way home on Friday afternoon. In fact everyone in Room 5 made me smile!! Who will it be next week???
They also earnt 10 Room 5 dollars for their efforts to spend at the auction at the end of the year.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Blends this week are 'sc' and 'sk'

The 'sh' sound

Look at 'what' and 'who' visited us on Friday

We will be sharing our learning about 'Fire Safety' with you soon!!

Room 5's Trophy Winners for Week 6 were..........

Congratulations to Kaylee, Lucy and Haki who have all worked very well this week to earn our Room 5 class trophies to take home for the week. You can all be very proud of your efforts this week and I'm sure everyone at home will be very proud of you all too!!

The Star Rocket writers for Week 6 were .........

Renny, Olivia and Hannah. Our Leading Star was joint this week by Renny and Olivia. Well done girls for writing the most words in the class.
And the star for making the most progress went to Hannah. Well done Hannah, we are all so proud of you and the words you can write. Hannah was able to write each sound as Naomi segmented each sound for her. She can also write her name all by herself. Wow - fantastic Hannah and great work Naomi and Mrs Smith too!!

Shae was our 'Star Is Born'

Thanks Shae for being an awesome Star Is Born. You brought along a whole table of special things to share with the class. You were able to talk confidently in front of the class and answer questions that other children in the class asked you. I loved your little handbag with the toy rabbit in it. There's a well known celebrity who also carries her animals in a handbag and I really thought the photo you held up was you and not your mum at the same age. Wow you look alike. Thanks Shae. We enjoyed writing your poem for you.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The 'pl' and 'pr' blends

The 'qu' and 'ch' sounds

Our writing about Powelliphanta Snails

Haki brought along a Powelliphanta snail shell. We all thought it looked very neat but none of us really knew anything about the Powelliphanta snail. We did some research and found out that these snails are not snails that you will find in your garden but you will find them on the West Coast of New Zealand where we live. For writing we wrote about something we learnt about the Powelliphanta snail and we would like to share our writing with you. I'm sure you will all learn something too. Thanks for bringing the shell along Haki.

The Trophy Winners for Week 5 were.......

Charleigh, Rhys and Louis. Well done to you three for a super effort at school this week to earn the class trophies. You are super proud of your achievements too.

Rocket Writers for Week 5 were .........

Congratulations to Tom and Charleigh who were the Star rocket writers for Week 5. Charleigh got the star for writing the most words and the most words she has ever written, 83 words and Tom got the Star for making the most progress. Super job Tom, 5 more words than the previous time. Well done to everyone in Room 5 who made progress. Who will earn the stars this week? I heard a whisper that Charleigh may not be at school on Friday!! Tom and Charleigh earnt some Room 5 dollars for their efforts.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Water Play for our Behaviour Reward

Today was our Behaviour Reward for the 1st half of Term 4. The reward was water play. Room 5 were very excited about this and all of us got the reward. Well done Room 5. Here we are before we begun.
And after..........still with smiles on our faces!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

We're getting ready for athletics

We started off PE today with a game of stuck in the mud. We all enjoy this game and there's always lots of smiles.
Then we practised our high jumping. Too easy for Room 5!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Yy and Xx Sounds

Our tadpoles and frogs

Deegan brought some tadpoles along to school for us. We wrote down the things we already knew about tadpoles.
Then we wrote a question that we each wanted to find the answer to.
We have found out what tadpoles like to eat so that we can keep them well fed while they are in our class. We also learnt about the life cycle of a frog. Here it is.
We have been watching our tadpoles grow. We have another froglet. I spotted him/her (we still have to find out how we know the difference between males and females) climbing up the tank today. Can you spot the froglet?
We have 1 frog so far that we have named Frank. Can you spot him? This is his favourite place in the tank. We hope he's not looking for a way out.
When we have answered our questions we'll put them on the blog so that you might learn something that you didn't already know about tadpoles and frogs.

We made bird feeders

Last Friday Room 5 made bird feeders to feed all those hungry birds around our school. We used a pine cone to make a bird feeder. We mixed some fat(dripping) and bird seed together and then we pushed it onto the pine cone.
We hung the bird feeders on the trees around our school. We put some wire on the top of the pine cone to hang them up.
On Friday we went to check out how much the birds had eaten. Some had fallen off the tree so we hung them back up. Ben found his pine cone and all the bird feed was gone. We hope some hungry birds have filled their tummies. Someone said it could be a hungry weka. We all enjoyed making them for the birds around our school.