Sunday, May 29, 2016

The letter and sounds for Week 5 are ........ q and sh

Watch the videos Letter /q/ Sound - Phonics by TurtleDiary Digraph /sh/ Sound - Phonics by TurtleDiary

The Number Song we are learning in Kapa Haka

On Tuesday we have Kapa Haka. We have been learning a waiata using numbers to go with the Macarena actions. Here is a video from Kapa Haka last Tuesday.

The Rocket Whizz for Week 4 was........Leon

Well done Leon with your Rocket Writing on Friday. You earnt both the stars - You were the Leading rocket and also made the most progress from the previous week. Great work.
Who will it be this Friday??????

Rhys was Room 5's Star Is Born for Week 3

Here is Rhys's Acrostic Poem. What a fantastic role model he was as our 'Star Is Born'. He really enjoyed sharing the things he had brought along with the class and we all enjoyed learning about them and learning some things about Rhys that we didn't know. Thanks Rhys - you did a mighty fine job!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

And the trophy winners for Week 3 were.....

Congratulations to Vinny, Jed and Deegan who earnt the trophies for Week 3. Super job boys, well done!!

Jed and Leon working together

Jed and Leon worked very well together on Friday to build a lego tower. They were very proud of what they had made. Well done for working together boys to produce your finished tower. A great job.

And the Writing Rocket Stars for Week 3 were ........

We had 4 people on Friday who earnt the stars for Rocket Writing. Lucy and Leon were awarded the Star for The Leading Rockets - they both wrote 30 words and Vinny and Rhys both earnt the Star for Making the Most Progress and improving their score by 5 more words. Wow great job. This is the 1st time we have had 4 Star Rocket Writers with each star tied. Keep practising at home though because Room 5's other little Rocket Star will be at school this Friday. Good luck.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ed and Hilary went to Charleigh's for the Weekend

Ed and Hilary must be the luckiest teddies I know. They are so lucky that they get to go home with so many wonderful children and spend many happy weekends with different families. Last weekend Ed and Hilary went home with Charleigh and what a busy fun weekend they had. Thanks Charleigh for looking after them so well. Here's a look at what they got up to.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Deegan was Room 5's "Star Is Born" last week.

Look at the wonderful display he shared with us.
Here is Deegan's acrostic poem written by Room 5

The Letters of the Week for Week 3 are..........

Can you please help your child to think of a sentence with words beginning with either of these sounds e.g. William washes windows.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Letter of the week

Last week one of our letters of the week was 'j'. On Friday we made jelly and had a jet plane. Here we are with our jet. Can you spot who was missing? I wonder why ??

The trophy winners for Week 2 were..........

Here are the gorgeous trophy winners for Week 2. I've been really impressed with their learning, the progress they have been making and the effort they have been putting into their work. Well done to Charleigh, Rhys and Olivia.

The Star Rocket Writer for Term 2 Week 2

Well done to Charleigh who was the Star Rocket for this week. She earnt herself both the stars - the star for writing the most words and also the star for making the most progress. Wow Charleigh - you are rocketing away with your word writing.
Here's all the words you wrote in 10 minutes. What a super effort, well done!!

Another wet lunch time for Room 5

Thursday was another wet lunch time. We've had a few of these this last week. Rhys and Deegan kept themselves very well occupied dressing up from the dress up box. They had their handbags and were ready for a spot of shopping.
Well done boys for keeping yourselves busy.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Ed and Hilary's fantastic weekend with Lucy

Thanks Lucy for taking such great care of Ed and Hilary. They had a lovely time and both have been exhausted since they arrived back from your house.

And the trophy winners last week were ..........

Leon and Tom who both had a fabulous 1st week in Room 5. Well done boys, you can be very proud of yourselves.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Letters of the Week for Week 2 are.......

Please help your child to write a word that starts with the letter 'j' and the letter 'z' by leaving a comment. It would be great it you could complete this by Friday. Many thanks.

The Star Rocket Writers for this week were.......

A very big well done to Charleigh and Olivia who were the star Rocket Writers this week. Charleigh got the Star for Writing the most words - 29 of them and Olivia got the Star for making the most progress. She wrote 10 more words than last time. Well done girls - great job. The photo says it all - you were both very proud of yourselves.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Letters of the Week

Look at our fabulous letter table. Each week we cover 2 letters of the week and the students bring along an item or items beginning with that letter. This week it was Ff and Bb. We have had some great items. Can you sopt the fairy, flannel, flour, finger, forks, feijoa and fluff or the ball, book, banana, babies, bag? Well done to all the students that bring something along to share for the week. It also earns you a dojo point.
Mrs Scott brought along Marnie's balloon game to play too since it started with 'b'. Some of us liked playing the game and some of us weren't so keen. Here's a couple of photos of us playing.

Maths - Taller and Shorter

Today for maths we talked about the words 'shorter' and 'taller'. Here is a class photo of Room 5 lined up.
We were able to use the words 'taller' and 'shorter' in a sentence. Leon said - "Leon is taller than everyone in Room 5." Lucy said - "Lucy is shorter than everyone in Room 5." Deegan said - "Deegan is taller than Lucy." Charleigh said - "Rhys is taller than Charleigh." Olivia said - "Vinny is taller than Tom." Rhys said - "I am taller than Charleigh." Vinny said - "Vinny is shorter than Olivia." Tom said - "I am taller than Lucy."

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

That naughty wasp!!

Room 5 had an unexpected visitor in the classroom this afternoon, a wasp that thought Olivia looked so tasty and had a wee bite. Poor Olivia!! It was her first sting but she was so brave. We managed to take a photo of the bite mark on her arm but Olivia got the last laugh when she shows us what's on the shovel.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Naming our New Fish - Can you help us?

Guess what Room 5 got in the holidays.........
We got 2 new fish. We need to name them. Please suggest a name for our fish by leaving a comment. On Friday we are going to choose from the suggestions.
Thanks for your help.

Goal Setting

On the last day of the Term the little Minions in Room 5 evaluated and reflected on the goals they had set. Here we are with our reflections.
We have all set new goals that we want to work towards achieving in the next few weeks. Remember to view these on the classroom door. Go little Minions you can do this - yes, yes you can - each and every one of you!!